

Polly Jones Morris & Martyn Knapton


Polly Jones Morris & Martyn Knapton Photos courtesy of G2 Fine Art Photography

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Polly Jones Morris

Polly is a mum, wife and lash queen! When she's not juggling everyday life she has a role at the Bay of Plenty Regional Council or you can find her as a part-time beautician or relaxing with friends.

Having been involved with the Dancing for Life Education EBOP event previously behind the scene as a make-up artist to the dancers, I've seen firsthand the excitement and determination that comes with the ride.

When approached to be front and centre this time I must admit that I was a wee bit nervous but I'm ready to step outside my comfort zone and do something for myself while supporting the amazing Life Education Trust EBOP along the way.

Martyn Knapton

Hi everyone, I am the Principal of Whakatane High School. I have been really impressed with the work of Life Education Trust EBOP in this region and the support it has given so many children. I really believe that education has the ability to transform lives and communities. So for me, it is a 'no-brainer' to support this worthy cause that supports young people.

I have to say that if I expect my staff and students to work outside their comfort zone to be their best, then I have to do it too! The last dance class I attended was a compulsory one as an 11 year old student in the UK, my teacher would have probably advised me to never pursue a career in dancing or step on a dance floor again. But hey, here we are many years later, giving it a go! Wish me luck!


Polly & Martyn will be dancing the Waltz - the most elegant of all the ballroom dances in 3/4 time with a strong accent on the first beat and a basic pattern of step-step-close.

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